EM Resident Syllabus


The ultrasound division is excited to have you with us for your rotation. We are dedicated to your education. All we ask is that you be prompt, do the required coursework, scan a lot and have a positive attitude.

Weekly Video Review

We meet in Keiserman Classroom every Monday at 10AM unless otherwise told. At this time we will be doing a combination of introduction, video review, simulation, research meetings, and journal club.

Each Monday we will be reviewing 2 journal articles. You will receive these through email the prior thursday.  Review both of these articles in advance so that you are prepared to join in the discussion. You will be leading the discussion on one of the journal articles during the second and third Monday video review session.


Flipped Classroom Assignments

You will have assignments that you must complete. They can be found on the assignment page . Please complete the assignments prior to the day assigned.

We also want you to complete the online exams from emergencyultrasoundtrainging.com. The exams can be found here: ExamsPlease finish the pre-test on the first Monday. On the last Friday of your rotation, please complete the post-test.

Make sure you have all of the required books and links set up on your iPad: Required iPad Downloads

 Scanning Shift

  • During your scanning shift please show up on time

  • You can find your calendar here: Rotation Schedule

  • Please review the list of credentialed attendings under the protocol tab

  • If you are scanning with an attending or fellow please meet them on the B side doctor area of the Jefferson ED. Be ready to focus on the specified scan on the schedule

  • Remember to have your SDOTs completed on New Innovations

  • You are expected to complete 5 scans in the following categories during your two week rotation: Cardiac, IVC, Aorta, RUQ, Soft tissue, Renal, OB, FAST, DVT, or IVs

Do’s and Don’ts During your Rotation:



  • Always wear appropriate attire (scrubs) on video review and scanning days.

  • Always check with the providing attending before performing a scan to make sure it is appropriate.

  • Introduce yourself to patient and explain the ultrasound procedure.

  • Always obtain all images to meet the minimum imaging criteria, iWorks will guide you through the procedure

  • Always clean the equipment appropriately using the grey topped wipes.

  • Always review your ultrasound results with the providing attending.

  • Always write a procedure note in Epic.

  • Show up on time.


  • Be on your cellphone during video review.

  • Leave the machines in rooms or unclean.