Fellowship Curriculum
The @jeff_sono curriculum follows the outlines set forth by the Core Content of Clinical Ultrasound Fellowship Training (AEM2014). These include understanding ultrasound physics and mastering image acquisition and interpretation for all major modalities (cardiac, chest and lung, aorta, renal, male and female GU, hepatobiliary, FAST, bowel, ocular, soft tissue, musculoskeletal, head and neck). Additionally, fellows will advance their learning of ultrasound for procedural guidance including ultrasound guided nerve blocks and exposure to TEE. The year includes involvement in research and POCUS administration.
Each week we meet on Mondays to dive into QA. Fellows will learn how to review POCUS studies and critique both acquisition and interpretation. In addition to QA there will be weekly didactic material in the form of journal review, lecture or a visiting educator as part of our educator of the month series.
Fellows will have one dedicated scan shift per week and will have the opportunity to scan with ultrasound faculty as well as on their own.
Each fellow will take on at least one scholarly project during the year. We ensure your success through quartly evaluations. By the end of the year, each fellow will complete all requirements as set forth by EUFAC including 1,000 scans. Our goal is to prepare you to easily pass post fellowship certifications or designations (such as the Focused Practice Designation for Advanced Emergency Ultrasound). Our graduating fellows are well prepared to take on ultrasound leadership roles in both academic and community settings!
Jeffsono Fellowship+
Unique Fellowship Opportunities at Jefferson
Beyond core fellowship training similar to many other POCUS fellowships in the country, Jefferson offers unique opportunities to develop and grow!
Critical Care & TEE
Thanks to the leadership of Critical Care Intensivist, Dr. West, our fellows have the opportunity to learn critical care ultrasound and TEE in simulation and live patients.
Medical Education
Our POCUS Division has a close relationship with the medical school. In addition to our founding of Philly Ultrafest and hosting our student elective, Drs Cooper and Au are actively working with SKMC to develop an integrated 4 year curriculum. Additionally, Dr. Geoff Hayden is an TJUH EM Faculty who is also fellowship trained and directs the Clinical Skills course for the medical school. Additionally, the department of EM hosts an educational fellowship lead by Dr. Papagnou (who also completed a POCUS fellowship)!
Global Health
Jefferson is a leader in global health and the POCUS Division is no exception. TJUH EM Faculty and Enterprise Chief Quality Officer, Patricia Henwood, is the foremost expert on POCUS use and global health in the country. Throughout the years, faculty and fellows of the POCUS Division have traveled all over the world including Sierra Leone, China, Rwanda, Chile, South Sudan and Guyanna to teach POCUS in resource limited settings.
ACEP Critical Care Ultrasound Lab Instructors
National & Regional Course Instruction
The Jeffsono team is very involved in education both locally and across the country. Jeffsono runs the ACEP Critical Care Ultrasound Lab given annually at the American College of Emergency Physicians. Additionally our faculty are involved in teaching the Resuscitative TEE course as well as Pennsylvania Critical Ultrasound Symposium.
Volunteerism in Philadelphia
We work with Dr. Lau and others who support the Chinatown clinic, which provides free care to uninsured patients in this part of Philadelphia. POCUS helps to support the care of patients in this resource limited setting.
RN & Tech USGIV Training Program
We work closely with our staff to train everyone in ultrasound guided IV placement! Thanks to our training program we regularly improve patient care through fewer needle sticks and more rapid establishment of peripheral IVs.
As a past research director of the health design lab at Jefferson, Dr. Fields has expertise in design thinking processes. We routinely utilize these techniques to improve our ultrasound program. Additionally, many of past fellows and residents have collaborated with the design lab to create innovative training models.
Dr. Risler, past fellow, worked with the health design lab to 3D print a shoulder model (top left). They applied ballistics gel (Bottom left) to create a simulation model for anterior shoulder dislocation.
Our ultrasound fellow meets with a multidisplinary team including a trauma surgeon, trauma nurse, ED resident, and a representative from industry to try to redesign the performance of E-FAST in the trauma bay using a design thinking approach (empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test).
We break from video review to enjoy some delicious hand drawn noodles in nearby Chinatown!
We make wellness a central focus in our fellowship program!!!