Point-of-care (Emergency) Ultrasound Fellowship
The @jeff_sono fellowship at TJU is an experience like no other. We have many ultrasound fellowship-trained faculty and work closely with other specialties within the institution. Our philosophy is that ultrasound fellowship is not a year of checking off requirements, but a year where the fellows focus their career path. We believe in the benefit of making your fellowship personalized, unique, and enjoyable.
EM Fellowship Director
Kelly Goodsell, MD, FPD-AEMUS
For more information and to apply to the @jeff_sono fellowship email Arthur Au and eusfellowships.com.
Current & Past Fellows
Kelsey Filippo, MD
24-25 POCUS Fellow
St. Luke’s University
Former Fellows - Current Roles
2023-2024 Michael Fareri MD - Kettering Health, Ohio
2022-2023 Jennifer Luong MD - Crownpoint Healthcare, Indian Health Services
2022-2023 Nathan Bradley MD - Ultrasound Director,
2021-2022 Ojeagbase Asikhia MD - Ultrasound Faculty, Jefferson Northeast
2021-2022 Kaylah Maloney MD - Ultrasound Faculty, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
2020-2021 Neha Bhatnagar MD - Ultrasound Director, Jefferson New Jersey
2020-2021 Titus Chu MD - Ultrasound Director, Wright State University
2019-2020 Jeffrey Gardecki DO - Ultrasound Director, Einstein Montgomery
2018-2019 Rishi Kalwani MD PhD - Associate Ultrasound Director, Jefferson Northeast
2018-2019 Dan Mirsch DO - Ultrasound Research Director, University of Buffalo
2017-2018 Kelly Goodsell MD - Director of GME Ultrasound, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
2017-2018 Mark Magee MD - Ultrasound Director, Episcopal Campus, Temple University
2016-2017 Kenn Ghaffarian DO - Emergency Ultrasound Director, Jefferson Northeast
2016-2017 Zachary Risler MD - Director for Point-of-care Ultrasound, Nazareth Hospital
2015-2016 Carl Alsup MD - Ultrasound Director, Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital
2014-2015 Timothy Faust MD - Attending Physician, Sentra Healthcare
2014-2015 Azeem Tajani MD - Attending Physician, Baylor University Medical Center
2013-2014 Maziar Shirazi MD - Attending Physician, Vallejo Medical Center
2013-2014 Chris Thom MD - Ultrasound and Ultrasound Fellowship Director, University of Virginia
2011-2012 Arthur Au MD - Ultrasound Fellowship Director, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital