Our Fellowship
We currently offer year long fellowships for EM and IM residency graduates. Additionally, we offer a mini-fellowship for any physician interested in advancing POCUS skills. Our fellows will not only master ultrasound image acquisition and interpretation, but will also learn the core components of ultrasound administration, research, education and clinical excellence. Additionally, we encourage each fellow to begin molding a unique career path. Our past fellows have explored opportunities in administration, critical care, global health, medical education, health design, simulation and leadership. Jefferson has a rich and diverse faculty (including numerous faculty with POCUS training) capable of mentoring in many different interests and specialties.
Jefferson EM POCUS Fellow learning TEE in our state of the art sim center
TJU EM Residents compete in SAEM Sonogames 2023. Team Name: The Spy Who Scanned Me!
In 2022 our residents were Sonogames finalists!
Thomas Jefferson University EM-1 residents rotate with us to learn core and advanced ultrasound modalities. Many EM-3s also do an optional elective rotation. Our residents love POCUS and each year we take a team to Sonogames at SAEM!
Philly UltraFest
Ultrafest was founded by our POCUS Division in collaboration with Sidney Kimmel Medical College in 2014. It is a one-day, immersive, ultrasound experience designed to introduce students to the world of point-of-care ultrasound. Over the years it has introduced POCUS to thousands of medical students and has spread to other Philadelphia medical schools.
@jeff_sono Publications

Welcome to the Jeffsono Point-of-Care Ultrasound Division
Our mission: To empower health care providers to a new standard of quality and safety in patient care through an ongoing commitment to education, research, administration, and innovation of point-of-care ultrasound.
2023 Fellowship Graduation Dinner at Doubleknot in Philadelphia!
Welcome to TJU & Philadelphia!
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital is the academic hub of the Jefferson Health Enterprise and the primary clinical training site for Sidney Kimmel Medical College. The institution has a history of pioneering the field of medicine when the medical college was the first in the nation to establish a clinic in 1825.
The EM POCUS Fellowship was established in 2012 and the IM POCUS Fellowship in 2020. The POCUS Division has established itself as a national leader in POCUS care, education and research with numerous publications and grant funding.
Check out our 2019 intro video to Jefferson, Our Program, and Philadelphia.